Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Maybe someday there will be more time

There are so many things that I would like to have time for. I would love to start a book club, do some traveling, get back in contact with all the people that I love but don't talk to nearly enough, etc. I'm sure everyone would agree that there never seems to be enough time for all the worthwhile things we could be doing. I realize that I have to use what time I have now and that I can't keep putting things off.

My life for the last few years has been a crazy mix of school, work, family, friends, church, etc. During this time I told myself repeatedly that it will be nice once I am done with school because then I will have so much more time on my hands. While, that is somewhat true I'm sure that new things will enter my life that will take all my time.

I have decided to renew my efforts to get my life organized. I nned to schedule time for exercise first and foremost. I also would like to find more time for the massive number of books that are on my list to read. Another thing I need to do is get on top on all things that need to be done around the house (especially since we are moving in about two months). Does anyone have any suggestions for what works for them? Or you could just share what your goals are to get organized.