Saturday, September 13, 2008

Personal realizations

We all have times that we finally come to realize things that have been bouncing around in our head. Tonight I had a girls night with some ladies I know. We went out for dinner and a movie. It was fun chatting and having a break from responsibility. We saw the movie "The Women." It was a cute movie and we were all laughing at several parts. However, at the end I had a somewhat unexpected realization come to me. One of the characters gives birth and at that moment I realized that as much as want children it may never happen and that I need to learn to be okay with that. It was like at that moment I was being told "Julie, I know you won't like this but you need to be strong and learn to be happy without children."

I have actually been thinking a lot lately about the fact that we all need to count the blessings that we already have in our life and not be constantly yearning for something we don't have. Someone I know through the message boards on webmd has been through a lot in the last couple months. She went from trying to have a baby for a long time, to finding out some wonderful news that she was finally pregnant. Then right after this exciting news her husband suddenly died. He was only 30. She tried to take comfort in the fact that at least she would have their child. Now she just found out that she is having a miscarriage. My heart goes out to her. I cannot even fathom the pain and heartache she is feeling right now.

All of this has helped to remind me that I need to be thankful for each and everyday. I have so much to be thankful for. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who loves me. I also have some wonderful friends that have shown me in many circumstances that they will always be there for me. Most of all: I know that there is a reason for this life. This comforts me during the times when things are hard. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we just have to have faith that it is there and keep walking forward.

To quote one of my favorite hymns:
"When upon lifes billows you are tempest tossed,
when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings; name them one my one,
And it will suprise you what the Lord has done"
(Count Your Blessings)


Amanda said...

I have been thinking alot about that myself. Every day I look at my husband I can't help but think of her and what she has to be going through and I hurt for her. But I am so thankful for everything I have. Such an awful situation.

The Shaffers said...

Hey Julie!!! I was just thinking about things, and for some reason you poped into my head, and i was wondering how things were going. So i came over to your blog and read that things still havent happened for you and your husband. This just breaks my heart!!! I now how hard infertility herts, but i already was blessed with a beautiful daughter, so i can imagine the pain of not knowing if you will be able to have one... I hope that when you move back to cali, you will be able to recive the help you need to get pregnant!! Have you or your husband been tested for anything yet?? Just know that there are a lot of things that can and hopefully will get you that wonderful blessing you have been waiting for!!! It WILL be a wonderful moment and you WILL be that much more gratful when it finally happens. I still cant believe that i made it, and im so so gratful for everthing, morning sickness and all,hehe!!! Good luck too you!!!