Monday, February 9, 2009

Developing my green thumb

Look at my beautiful tomato sprouts!

First of all: I must admit that I am not even close to having a green thumb. In the past the only plant I could get to stay alive was ivy. This was mainly because it is very forgiving and it won't completely die if you forgot to water it for a few weeks. My husband jokingly says I have a black thumb because I kill plants. I would argue it isn't that bad. After all, it wasn't me that practically killed our house plants by placing them on the BBQ and not moving them when he fired it up. (They looked so pathetic!)

Anyway, I have decided that I am going to learn to have a green thumb. I have always found gardening enjoyable, I just haven't really been that good at it. I have decided we are going to have a vegetable garden this year. There are a few things that had to be started indoors. Well, I planted them and then crossed my fingers that they would actually grow for me. I was so ecstatic when they started sprouting this weekend. Yay, there is actually hope for me having a garden!