Friday, June 26, 2009

Let the Weight Loss Begin

For a while now I have been needing to get into an exercise routine. I have been exercising, but not very regularly. I was having a hard time finding something that I felt confident enough doing that I would stick with it. I was doing a dance workout video and it was pretty fun, but I suck at dancing so much that I was having a hard time with the routines.

This week I found an exercise video that I totally love. It is a mix between yoga and pilates. My ab muscles are so sore from doing it yesterday (It hurt to roll over in bed this morning), but it is a very good sore.

I'm so excited to get into better shape and have more energy from being better to my body. My goal is to go down one or two sizes by the end of summer. Wish me luck!


Robin said...

Good luck! I, too, am in need of some serious exercise. Unlike you though I'm just being lazy and not doing anything... Good for you!

Anonymous said...

OH, WHich one did you find ? I LOVE pilates and yoga...actually signing up for another round of classed from Sept t0 Dec.

Julie said...

Dot: The video is "Crunch: Super Slim Down"

I have Netflix and I'm trying a bunch of different workout videos.

Megan said...

Julie, I wish you lots of luck! It's hard for me to workout, finding something that you enjoy is the key. I'll help by asking you about it often! ;) You should also ask me about my exercising, too.