Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive

Someday I will find the motivation to write an actual post. For now I just don't really care. I just wanted to let all of you wonderful people out there know that I am still alive and well. I have been so tired lately and I just can't work up the energy to actually get on here and say anything meaningful. It is now 9pm and I am ready to go to bed. I will try to do better about posting in the near future.


Misty Dawn said...

Its nice to hear from you again! How is the new job going?

^J^ said...

I was wondering where you've been. Hope everything is ok....Take Care!

Steph said...

Huh? I thought I replied to this! Blog land ate my comment!

Hi Julie! Good to see you! Update when you can, we still care. I KWYM about writer's block, it seems to be striking me lately too. Shall we do a customer service gripe on how people act over the phone? :)

Megan said...

Some post ideas for when you find the motivation: Aple Hill, beading (class, what you've made since class, how hot you are in your homemade jewelry). Okay, that's what I've come up with in my sleep deprived state!