Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're Done!

Soren and I had our very last Final today. Yay! We are officially done with our college careers. Soren's parents are flying into town tomorrow for our graduation. I'm excited for them to come into town. We are going down to Fargo to pick them up. Soren has been having fun telling them how freezing cold it has been. They are in for quite the treat. We'll see if they will turn around and go right back into the airport. It was -5 degrees at one point today.

Now that classes are out of the way we are going to have to do some serious packing. I listed several things for sale, including our SUV. Hopefully we won't have any problem selling our car. We really don't want to have to take it with us.

Anyway, I'm so excited that we are going to be able to move on with our life. I will miss all of the people in Grand Forks. However, I'm all super excited to see all the people I love in Sacramento.