Friday, December 4, 2009

New Job and Doctors Visits

I figured it was about time to tell you all a little about how much I'm loving my new job. I started on Sep 25, so I've been working there about 2 1/2 months now. Most of that time was taken up with training. I have been taking calls for about 3 weeks now and I think I'm starting to get into the swing of things. There is still a lot to learn so that I can best help the customers and meet my goals as an employee. It's just so nice to be able to have a good paying job in these uncertain times. It has been great having health insurance again too.

I was able to get into see my primary doctor about two weeks ago. It was my first opportunity because I couldn't take any time off during training. It was supposed to just be my annual physical but for two weeks before my appointment I was having constant stomach pain so I made sure to mention that when I met my doctor. She said she thought I have reverse acid reflux which I had never heard of before. I guess what is happening is that my stomach acid is flaring down into my intestines instead of going into my esophagus like normal acid reflux does. Anyway she has put me on a prescription for pepcid which has been helping. It looks like I will also have to change my diet a little to try to prevent the acid reflux since I don't want to just take pills for the rest of my life.

While I was there she also scheduled a bunch of lab work to make sure nothing else was going on. All of the test results have come back and everything is normal except for my good cholesterol levels are a little low. She told me to eat at least one serving of fish a week. I'm fine with that, but my husband hates fish so I guess I'll just have to take a tuna sandwich or something for lunch once a week.

The appointment I'm really excited for is the one with my ob gyn in a few weeks. The appointment is unfortunately for my yearly torture, but I figure that while I'm there I will tell her about my infertility so that we can start testing my hormone levels and make some treatment plans. I'm so excited to finally get the ball rolling again and hopefully get some answers. It has almost been 3 years since I went off birth control and we started trying so I'm ready to feel like I'm actually doing something to fix the problem.


Anna and Dusty said...

Yaay Julie!! I'm so happy for you. It sounds like things are going well. Congratulation on the fun job! And good luck with the ob, I hope she gives you some good answers. Keep us posted. I'm really excited for you!!!

Megan said...

*fingers crossed* Hope the ob appt gets you some answers!

Unknown said...

Yeahy!! Awesome news! Keep me posted!!

^J^ said...

Glad you are enjoying you job. Good luck with the ob appt, its always good to get back in on the TTC train again!

Jakenaddie said...

Good to hear things are going well for you and soren! Keep us posted on your O.B visits!!

Jo said...

I know how you feel -- the hubby and I waited almost four years before really acknowledging that we had problems conceiving. Seeing an RE feels good -- like you're actually doing something productive to solve the problem. I hope that your initial visit goes well and that you find one you like and trust.
