Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost back in the game

I had my appointment with my gyno today for my annual torture, a.k.a "annual exam." It was a lot better experience than any other pap I've ever had. It went really quick and wasn't as awkward as my past experiences.

The best part of the visit was discussing my infertility issues. My gyno told me she wanted to refer me straight to an RE that is part of the hospital network. I was able to contact the office and they are going to send me out a fertility questionnaire that I need to fill out. From there I was told that I will have to attend a group seminar that will go over the basics of infertility treatment. I already know pretty much everything that they will tell me at the seminar because of knowing so many people that have already been through the testing and treatment, but I guess I might learn something new. After that I will be able to schedule an appointment to sit down with someone to go over what my insurance covers and what the plan for treating me will be.

I just hope that it won't be too long until I can start getting some testing done. I was hoping to have some blood work ordered today so we could get the process going, but I guess I will have to wait until I get over to the fertility clinic. I'm feeling so impatient to get some answers. I've already waited almost three years to get pregnant. What's another few weeks to get testing done, right?


Robin said...

We definitely have learned the patience lesson, right? Good luck at the seminar. I hope your RE gets you in soon. I had to wait three months for my first appointment and that was awful! :P

Jennifer Rae said...

I know that it can be hard to wait, but know that ever day these is something the Lord has for you to do. I am praying you will be able to have a little one soon!

Megan said...

It's hard taking small steps, but at least you're going in the right direction. I'm sure it doesn't help things move quicker since it's the holidays...and winter. Everything moves slower in winter!

Snow was fun on Saturday, wish you could have been there. We're planning another trip Jan 9. Let me know if you want to go.

Anna and Dusty said...

This is so exciting Julie, I hope get an appointment soon! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Waiting sucks, period. But in the end it always seems to go by fast. Good luck with everything. I was referred by my OBGYN to a fertility specialist in the hospital network too. It ended up not being the best place for us. Ask a lot of questions and don't be afraid to get a second opinion. If we had, we would have saved ourselves a lot of heartache. Your doctor should be your partner. Just some advice from my experiences.

The Shaffers said...

Yea im SOOOOOOO glad your finally getting into a RE... I hope things progress quickly and you get some answers. Waiting is hard but i know in my own experience there was a reason and i wouldnt change a thing. Good luck, im praying for you!