Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some Bad News

About a week and a half ago Soren had his semen analysis done. I'm sure it's not surprising, but I couldn't wait for the results to come back. Well, there is some good news and some bad news. Here are some of the things that were good about the results: the count and morphology (shape of the sperm). The bad news: 85% of his little soldiers weren't going anywhere. Not sure if they were dead or just not moving. Probably doesn't matter cause they aren't going to be fertilizing anything anytime soon.

I called the fertility clinic and after playing a bit of phone tag I actually talked to a nurse. She didn't seem to be worried about the poor test results. She said they would like him to do one more test because there are all kinds of factors that could have affected the test like how it was transported. I told her I wasn't sure how he transported it because I wasn't with him. Come to find out he put it in one of the herbal heat packs we have "to keep it warm". Yeah, I think it was way too hot and that might have killed his little soldiers. This time Soren wants me to see if there is a room at the lab where he can collect the sample. Hopefully the results this next time will be much better.

Another thing I found out is that they are worried about my blood sugar levels. They just told me (after 4 months I might add) that they won't let me start treatment until they are lower. The nurse was kind of vague, but told me they were refering me to another department and that I couldn't start treatment until they released me.

I just spoke with someone today from this new mysterious department and she said they want me to attend a class on how to manage my blood sugar. My jaw just about dropped when she said I would have to pick up testing supplies from the pharmacy before the class. They had me a freaking out about diabetes.

I had a few fasting glucose tests and they were on the higher side of normal so I guess they are worried about the possibility of gestational diabetes. They say they want to make sure that I'm healthy so that I can have the best possibly pregnancy. I appreciate them looking out for me, but couldn't they have mentioned this before so that I had 4 months to work on it.

So, in two weeks I go to this class that I was informed will be filled with pregnant women who have to bring down their blood sugar levels. I'm so excited if you couldn't guess. Then for two weeks I have to keep a food diary (no big deal since I already do that) and track my blood sugar. If everything looks good after that I will be released for infertility treament.

Today was kind of a wake up call for me that I need to really bring my weight down. I have known this fact for quite a while now, but haven't done anything about it. Last summer I lost almost 20 pounds, but just recently I gained 10 back. I going to really get my butt in gear to become healthier. Well, it's time for me to go exercise since sitting here on my butt isn't helping me lose weight.


elephantscanremember said...

I hope it was his way of transporting it that messed up his analysis.

Good luck getting back into shape. You can do it! said...

Do you have pcos?

my fasting glucose levels were always high or on the higher end (even when i lost weight and went into the healthy weight range) so I'm on metformin for that & the pcos

Hopefully your dh's next SA will have excellent results.

That's lame that it took 4 months to get any information from the doctor's office!!

Misty Dawn said...

Geez what a bozo! I normally put the sample in between my legs during transport. Which keeps it plenty warm. Maybe you should mention it to him. LOL Did they do a reg fasting glucose or a 2hr GTT? Sometimes the reg glucose can be altered depending on what you had to eat the night b4. Any carbs can cause a spike in glucose. Be sure you don't eat that morning before the test. If it was me, I'd have them to a 2hr GTT or another reg glucose. Mine has been high on reg test, but normal on the 2hr. JMO! Screw going to a GD class with PG women. WTH are they thinking? (((HUGS)))

Megan said...

Sounds like you have a list of action items. I always feel better when I have a list I can cross off instead of a vauge idea of what needs to be done. Hope that gets you closer to your goal.

Julie said...

Misty - it was the regular fasting glucose they had me do. I didn't realize that it can vary depending on what you ate the night before. Thanks, now I don't feel like I'm doomed to get diabetes.

Julie said...

Melissa - I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS. I seem to ovulate regularly. We'll see what they come up with. Maybe they'll put me on metformin if they don't feel like my levels are where they want them.

Holly Erhard said...

Yaa for some answers. boo for how long they take to tell you!!

We keep you guys in our prayers and a Hampton/Erhard reunion is in the future I can feel it!