Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fertility Seminar

We attended the fertility seminar on Tuesday. The whole experience can be summed up in four words: BIG Waste of Time!

I knew that we would most likely be hearing information that I already knew. But I figured that at least they would schedule an appointment for us to be able to start treatment. Plus, I was told the seminar would be free, so I wasn't too worried about the fact that I already knew everything they were going to tell me.

When we got there they told me I needed to pay my regular copay for a doctor's visit. I was not happy with this and told them that it was supposed to be free. The receptionist told me that if I
wanted I could pay and then talk to member services about the charge. I responded that I didn't have time to talk to member services and that she should have it looked into and then send me a bill if I owed them. The charge wouldn't have been very much, but it was more the principle of the matter.

They went over information that anyone would know who has seriously tried to get pregnant. For example, they told us how to chart our cycles. I wonder if anyone in the class didn't already know this after a year or more of trying. They then told us about all the testing that would be done and that they would have us go on Clomid to induce ovulation. My question is what if I don't have any problem ovulating? They are seriously going to make me take medication that will make me feel like I'm going through menopause for nothing?

We also found out that we will have to have all the testing done before they will even schedule an appointment to come up with a treatment plan. Is this normal operating procedure for all RE's?

One good thing is our insurance will cover 50% of the testing and treatment for everything up to an IUI. IVF isn't covered at all, but then I knew it wouldn't be so that was no surprise.

The testing will end up being about $300 and then who knows how much all the medicated cycles will end up being. Soren estimated that it will probably be between $1500-2500. He made the comment that he hopes he is the problem because it will be much easier to just get a sperm donor. Whatever the issue is I hope it is an easy fix, but I have the feeling it won't be.

I will go into the lab to have all my hormones tested in about a week. Then when my next cycle starts I have to schedule the appointment to have my female organs checked out (the HSG). I'll let you know when there's more info.


~*JaYmE*~ said...

I'm sorry the seminar was a waste of time. I am glad you are getting smoe testing done. Yeah for progress!! Good luck girl!

Robin said...

You could probably TEACH that seminar. What a waste of time.. :(

I'm glad to hear that you are starting to make progress as far as getting something done. Make sure you are proactive and vocal, and if you have to, switch doctors. I switched and it made a world of good.

Megan said...

Like Jayme said, at least it's progress. Hopefully you can get the testing done soon so you can make the appointment.

Pierson family said...

Good Luck with all of this!!! We are cheering for you! Also I agree with Robin, if you need to switch Dr. do it. Its always a good idea to get a second opinion.

Steph said...

I'm sorry it wasn't more useful. I third what Robin said, switch if you need to. I already don't like their "bait & switch" policy for billing!

I hope the testing goes well! :) Oh, when they take the blood, ask them to use a butterfly needle. It'll hurt less when they change the vials. (i didn't & the girl was good, but it took my bruise a week to go away)