Friday, July 23, 2010

Blood Sugar Appointment

So this afternoon was the big appointment where the doctor looked at all my blood sugar levels over the last 2 weeks and decided what the next step would be. I was really nervous about my fasting glucose levels being high. The nurse had suggested that the doctor might put me on medicine to help my body produce insulin.

The appointment ended up going fairly well. I was told that I wouldn't have to take medicine and that they are releasing me to continue infertility treatment. I will still have to follow the diet, but not as strictly. Also, I don't have to take my blood sugar four times a day any more. The doctor now wants me to take my fasting glucose 3 times a week and said I need to call if my numbers are consistently high and she will put me on medicine.

I was also told that "when" ( I would change that to "if") I ever get pregnant I need to call them immediately so that they can be proactive in helping me control gestational diabetes. It seems like they think I will definitely end up with gestational diabetes. I hope they are wrong.

For now I am going to work on losing weight and I hope that my extra weight is the only thing that is causing me to have elevated fasting blood sugar. I will have to call the fertility clinic as soon as Soren does another semen analysis and then we will hopefully be able to actually get something done.


elephantscanremember said...

I am glad to hear you can keep it controlled through diet; that's great!

Please keep us updated.

Robin said...

Great news!! It sounds like you are making progress and WHEN you get pregnant all of this will be worth it!

^J^ said...

Whew! Glad you don't have to go on any meds and that the appt went well.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear this good news! I hope everything continues to go according to plan.

Megan said...

That's great news. One more hurdle successfully cleared. Good luck losing weight, it's been harder for me now that I'm getting close to 30. It usually takes my body a couple months to make any change.