Friday, April 17, 2009

Worst night ever

Disclaimer: some parts of this post may be gross. I will try not to go into too much detail.

I woke up at about 1:30 this morning with horrible pains in my stomach. At first it seemed like maybe it was just gas so I went to the bathroom to try to relieve some of the pressure. After sitting there a minute I started feeling extremely hot, nauseous, and dizzy. Then, all of the sudden I started violently throwing up all over the floor. I didn't have a chance to grab the trash can or anything. All I could do was continue to trow up for the next few minutes.

Soren heard me and came over to help and somehow I managed to tell him not to come over in between throwing up. (It was pretty gross having my dinner on the floor in front of me and I didn't want him to have to see it.) He came over anyway with a bowl for me to finish throwing up in.

When I was done he told me he would clean it up. I told him "no, I clean it up," as I was bawling. (I wasn't exactly in a state of mind to use correct grammar.) I don't know why I was even crying. It was probably a mixture of feeling physically horrible mixed with relief that I felt I felt a little better and being embarrassed that Soren had to see something so nasty coming out of me.

Soren wouldn't take no for an answer and he helped me get cleaned up enough to lay down on our bed while he clean up the mess in the bathroom. I am so grateful to Soren for being willing to clean up the bathroom for me. My love for him has grown a little bit since last night. It truly is love when you will clean up someone else's barf. (I commented to him this morning that I bet he didn't think he had signed up for this when we got married.)

The rest of the night I woke every 30 minutes - 1 hour in pain or feeling like I was going to throw up again. I kept a bowl on my night stand just in case I needed it. I hope I never have to repeat another night like that again. I called in sick to work today because I was absolutely exhausted and I still don't feel completely better yet.


^J^ said...

Sorry your not feeling well. Do you think you had food poisening? What did you eat for dinner? (((hugs)))

Julie said...

I did think maybe it was food poisoning, but my husband didn't get sick. We had spaghetti.

Steph said...

That's no fun! I hope you're feeling better soon.

(where are you at in your C? could be some weird hormonal thing.)

~*JaYmE*~ said...

I hope you feel better! That is sweet of Soren. My hubby has cleaned up my puke many times... I think we're lucky to have such great men in our lives! =)

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling much better. You know that is love when your hubby can clean up vomit...(((HUGS)))

Misty Dawn said...

Yikes i hope you are feeling better soon.


Megan said...

Yikes! I hope you are feeling better! We wanted you to come hang out with us last night, but you were probably still recovering.

Let me know if you're up for hanging out this week.

Julie said...

Yes, I would definitely love to get together this week.

The JNJ Hasleton's said...

Yikes! Aren't husbands the best with gross stuff?